According to some statistics, fifty two percent of American citizens are coffee drinkers.  This translates to a little more than 100 million people who drink coffee each day. Americans are a diverse population and there is no unanimous agreement on what makes an excellent cup of coffee. Luckily, you will discover a number of different styles of coffee makers available today.

Coffee lovers can select the machine which best fits their needs. Common coffee machine styles include Automatic Drip, French Press, as well as Automatic Espresso. Each machine has its advantages and disadvantages and gives the user varying control of the final product.

Automatic drip coffee makers are the most popular selection for people in the United States. They're easy to use and affordable.  Many operate on the same principle. Inside the coffee pot is a filter basket where a paper filter holds the coffee grounds. Cold water is poured into the reservoir where it's heated before being poured over the grounds. The resulting coffee goes into a carafe. The hot surface beneath the carafe keeps the brewed coffee warm. If you want to find out which is the best coffee maker, then please click on this link: krups km9008 programmable coffee maker review

Those who don't want to use automatic drip coffee makers complain that they do not create a great cup of coffee. Keeping the coffee maker and carafe clean, using quality coffee together with disposable paper filters will assist you in trying to ensure a better final result.

French Press coffee machines are also commonly known as plunger pots. The pot is a glass or porcelain cylinder which contains a stainless, mesh plunger that works as a filter.

You measure coffee grounds into the pot and add nearly boiling water. The plunger is set in place but not pushed until the coffee has steeped a few minutes. After steeping, the plunger is pushed and the coffee is ready.

There is no hot surface to maintain coffee temperature therefore the coffee must be served immediately or placed into a thermal carafe of some type.

Automatic espresso coffee makers are available in semi-automatic, fully automatic in addition to super automatic versions. Semi-automatic models tamp the coffee grounds, brew the coffee, fill the cup as well as eject grounds. Fully automatic models also grind the coffee. Super models offer a wide variety of features including built in water filters.

Automatic Drip, French Press, and Automatic Espresso are only a few of the different kinds of coffee machines which you might encounter when you’re trying to purchase a coffee maker. If you want to learn about other kinds of coffee makers or if you have a desire to learn more about Automatic Drip, Automatic Espresso, and French Press coffee makers, then you should keep searching on the Internet for more info.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2012

